on how and why i made this language


i like lisp's syntax. i have never really used any lisp/scheme or something like that for anything bigger than playground-projects. however, i really love the simplicity of its syntax.
what i did not like about lisp or some schemes i tried to use (racket, guile) is that it is realtively difficult to do basic stuff i want like reading a file, creating a http server etc. i want to create a language that does these thing with a really high-level and easy api, like python. in that sense lscript is inspired by python and lisp/scheme.


work in progress

what can it do at the moment?

work in progress e.g. this:

(defun (fizzbuzz num)
  (if (= (mod num 3) (mod num 5) 0) "fizzbuzz"
  (if (= (mod num 3) 0) "fizz"
  (if (= (mod num 5) 0) "buzz"
  (to-str num)